Are You That Bride?

Well it should not come as a shock as an event planner, I do not always love all of my brides equally. Yes, I love them all, but some I love a little bit more than the rest. Okay, I may be in hot water to even suggest that some brides are a little easier to love than others, but who would I be kidding if I didn’t say such things. So here is the skinny on how to make your planner love you more than the rest in 6 easy steps.

1. Please love your significant other dearly. 

It goes without saying that every wedding planner worth her weight in gold can tell you if your marriage will be the one to last or a repeat customer. Yes, we know who really loves their partner to take it to the altar. So it seems almost silly to suggest not all brides exude deep love and affection for their significant other and vice versa. This is not say the groom must always be at every planning meeting to prove his love or that the bride has to go with her SO’s favorite football team to theme the wedding, but please show your love. More times than not a couple forgets why they are spending so much money on a wedding and that the whole center is the love they share for each other. Plan a date once a week or once a month that you and your lover go out and do not talk one bit about your wedding. Instead spend that time loving each other.

2. Please be considerate of our time.

April through May and October through Thanksgiving are very busy in Austin when it comes to weddings. If your date falls in one of those months, you can bet you are not alone on our list of clients to see and meet this week. Almost every weekend in October will be filled with a wedding and your wedding is just one of them. So please, if I make time to meet with you, make time to be present, on time and ready to rock and roll. Make decisions when they need to be made. Communicate within the normal business hours set by your planner. The same goes for vendors.

3. Please be nice.

Sometimes wedding planning can be stressful. This is a given. All I ask in return is for everyone when stressed to do two things. 1. Take a breath and take time to self care. If you are not sure what I mean by self care, go and read this piece here. So the first plan of action is to stop, breathe and take care of your emotional and physical needs. The second thing I ask you to do is to be nice. Just be nice. You have one wedding you are planning, we have somewhere near 15 or more so we know the stress you are feelings times 10. We want to help you have the best day of your life celebrating the love you have for your SO. Let’s all remember we are people first, then brides, grooms, planners and vendors.

4. Please be armed with a sense of humor.

Things happen. If you know what’s good for you, you would say funny things happen. Yes, things will go wrong. The difference between seeing it as a catastrophe and a hiccup sometimes is the lens you look through. Try to arm yourself with the best sense of humor. Laugh often. Not only does it lower your blood pressure, it helps smooth over the bumps we travel over while planning a wedding. So when it starts to seem a lil stressful refer to point #3 and then move on to point #4, laugh as much as you can.

5. Please don’t get caught up in perfection.

Every bride wants their day to be perfect. In most weddings, their day is in fact perfect. I will tell you though it is not because every last detail was in fact perfect. It is not because every guest had the perfect meal to accompany the perfect entertainment with the most perfect color scheme. Why would a bride tell me that her day was perfect when I know as a planner not every detail hit the head of the nail? The difference in feeling like your day is perfect and having actual perfection is one detail, being present. Instead of perfect please strive to be present instead. This goes for the planning period as well as the wedding. When you have a tasting, don’t think about perfection, think about being present. Enjoy the planning process by staying in tune with all five of your senses. Let that energy carry you into your big day, not the drive for perfection. Trust me, it is one day over in a flash and the last thing you want to say is I barely remember being there at my own wedding. Stay plugged in. Be present.

6. Please don’t exhaust your friends and family with endless talk of the wedding.

I am a wedding planner for a reason. I not only plan these giant events with ease, but love them. So please spare your bridesmaids the “joys” of hearing every last detail about your wedding. They will tire of the talk after only a few months. This is not because they don’t support your or that they are not excited for you, they just have a limited span of time to give to your wedding already. Before engagement, all of your family and friends had their lives to tend to and after engagement they still have the same old grind to get at every day. Solution: Talk to your planner. We love weddings. We can listen to all you want to share. In fact the more we know about who you are as a bride and what you love, the better we will be at our job for you. So gab with us instead.

I hope you enjoyed my list of 6 tips on making your wedding planner love you even more. At 11:11 Events, we love our brides. We want you to be the bride we love so much we would plan your wedding over and over again, it was so breezy and fun. Be that bride, the bride all vendors and photographers talk about for years to come. Be that lover that puts their relationship first so that your wedding planned with us is your only wedding planned for the future.

Image Credit Originally Found On: Truly Heart – Image Created By Starting Today Coaching

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